Posts tagged with "frustration"

01. May 2017
May 1, 2017 - Is everything relying on you? Did you wake up this morning excited and ready to take on the work week with gusto? Did you benefit from a weekend of enjoyment and relaxation or feel pressure to get countless things done at home before launching into the work week? Are you constantly thinking about how much you have on your plate, how much you must get done or have to do? Are you frustrated by what you are not getting done or can never seem get around to doing? If you are feeling...
21. March 2016
Mar 21, 2016 - Is doing everything not enough? Are you putting your whole heart and soul into your most desired initiatives to achieve, and still not seeing the results you had hoped for? Are you literally doing every aspect of what needs to be done in pursuing these initiatives? Are you convinced that you are the only one who will do it to your complete satisfaction, and be certain it gets done the way you want it done? Perhaps you should consider that by doing everything yourself, you are...
01. February 2016
Feb 1, 2016 - Are you focusing effectively? Do you feel that there are a myriad of things and situations that continually distract you from what you really want to be doing? Are you having a difficult time knowing what is the best use of your time and resources with so much coming at you? Are you not making the progress that you desire, which is causing more frustration and disappointment? When you have a lot going on, even when it is all good, it can seem impossible to focus effectively as you...
16. November 2015
Nov 16, 2015 - Are you redoing unintentionally? Are you wasting time redoing what could be simplified or systemized? Are you caught up in doing certain tasks over and over again that seem to be taking your time away from more profitable or value-creating activity? Are you irritated by having to redo something that should have been done right the first time? Chances are, you are experiencing frustration because you are feeling as though everything is harder than it should be to accomplish. Take...
10. August 2015
Aug 10, 2015 - Have your options diminished? Are you running out of options as you attempt to achieve a certain end result? Do you feel as though every pathway you attempt leads to a dead end? Is your frustration growing and your enthusiasm diminishing? When attempting to achieve anything that is a challenge or takes us out of our comfort zone of ability or knowledge, we can easily believe we have explored all possibilities simply because of what we understand to be the case at the time. The...
22. December 2014
Dec 22, 2014 - Is your reaction the problem? Is your day filled with a sense of urgency in everything that you undertake? Do you find that all you seem to be doing is reacting to what is occurring around you? Is your need to react causing you to be easily distracted? Do you end the day with what you intended to do, not being done? Being reactive instead of proactive can be crippling in reaching your goals or having positively empowered relationships. You find you are constantly busy, but not...
10. November 2014
Nov 10, 2014 - Is your perception reality? Are you finding that no matter what you seem to do, what you are trying to do is not getting accomplished? Could your perception of the situation be the problem? If you believe that no matter what you do, you will still be stuck, chances are you will still be stuck. If you spend too much time thinking about what needs to be done, you may never get around to actually doing it. Your perception can most certainly become your reality when you put more...
29. September 2014
Sept 29, 2014 - Are you missing the point? Are you holding onto feelings of animosity, frustration or irritation about a person or situation that is blocking you from seeing what you need to see in order to move on? Have there been indicators of a direction you need to go, yet you aren't seeing or recognizing these signs? When we get caught up in the minutia of a negative circumstance, allowing it to consume us, we are less likely to notice opportunities that are glaringly in front of us. Our...
15. September 2014
Sept 15, 2014 - Are you not making the progress you had hoped? With the last quarter of the year looming, are you looking back on what you had hoped to accomplish with disappointment or frustration? Are there specific goals in which you had expected to have made more progress? It is human nature to underestimate the timeline it will take to accomplish something and overestimate our ability in making the goal happen. Why? Because we never account for the many distractions and demands that impact...
08. September 2014
Sept 8, 2014 - Are you accommodating too much? Are you beginning to feel as though you are the only one being flexible or considerate of others' needs or concerns compared to others? Are you feeling frustrated by an overall lack of accommodation or willingness by others to step up to responsibility? Could it be that you are being too accommodating, allowing others to get away with being less so? It is never easy to understand why others are not as conscientious or focused on what is in the best...

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