Are you exceeding or surrendering?

July 24 – Are you exceeding or surrendering? It’s the midyear mark! How are you tracking with reaching your goals? Are you ahead of the curve or falling behind in your projections or expectations? Are you gaining momentum or feeling slowed down in ways you had not anticipated or expected? Have you been broadsided by other priorities or demands that have derailed your ability to even focus on some of your goals? Are you feeling discouraged and as though you just must surrender to your current reality? 

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Are you being supported or set back?

July 17 – Are you being supported or set back? Are you surrounded by people who lift you up or put you down? Do you feel you have the right people in place to delegate to, or do you hold back initiatives because you don’t have the confidence they’ll do it right? Have past failures caused others or even yourself to doubt what you are trying to accomplish now? Are others willingly taking action on your behalf or are they merely naysayers finding everything that’s wrong?  

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Are you running behind?

July 10 – Are you running behind? Have plans you made been delayed unexpectedly? Has an initiative you have taken not progressed as fast as you desired or anticipated? Are you frustrated that your results are not tracking as you had hoped? Are you disappointed in not progressing and being where you want to be in this moment? 

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What is procrastination costing you?

July 03 – What is procrastination costing you? Is it costing you late fees and last minutes expenses? Is it costing you peace of mind? Is it costing you a restful sleep? Is it costing you opportunities and profitability? Is it costing you credibility and trust? When you procrastinate, you are delaying what could be pivotal to you moving forward in small or bigger ways?  Do you hit the snooze button to start each day, or do you figuratively hit the snooze button to avoid handling a situation head on? 

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Wishing a frustrating situation would disappear?

June 26 – Wishing a frustrating situation would disappear? Is there something occurring right now in your life or work that you simply wish would just go away? Is it distracting you to the point of inefficiency and also impacting your ability to focus on anything else? Could part of the problem be that you are procrastinating in dealing with the issue? Is your reluctance to just cope and hope for the best actually the real reason you are not being either efficient of productive?

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Are you playing it too safe?

June 19 – Are you playing it too safe? Are you open to taking calculated risks, or do you view all risk as something to be avoided at all costs? Are there opportunities presented to you that you believe are too risky? Are there next-level initiatives you need to make that you are not moving forward due to fear of failure or a concern the effort will not reap what is desired?

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Are you losing momentum?

June 12 – Are you losing momentum? Have you been progressing quite effectively on a particular initiative and now it feels as though it is not moving forward as you would like it to be? Do you feel that some momentum has been lost and you are not quite sure what your next step should be? Are you reliant on others' contributions and they are now part of the hold up? Has something occurred that has put a snag in the original flow of the project, and now you must regroup a bit to regain some momentum?

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Is your past sabotaging your future?

June 05 – Is your past sabotaging your future? Are you spending a significant amount of time wishing you had handled something from the past in a different way? Are you revisiting your past decisions or past actions over and over again in order to determine what went wrong or did not transpire as you had hoped or planned? Are you having a difficult time letting go of certain feelings or resentments about a past situation?  If you answered "Yes" to any of these questions, you are allowing your past to dictate your future. 

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Are you "do-thinking" enough?

May 29  – Are you "do-thinking" enough? Is your mindset focused on action or is it caught in overthinking or wishful limbo? Are you actually doing things that will get you where you ultimately want to go? OR are you stuck in a mindset of wishing it were so, or doubting if it’s possible because of being in analysis paralysis or fear of failure mode? Is no momentum being created because no action is being taken? 

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