September 04 – Is your performance lackluster? Are you taking intentional action, but not getting the desired results? Are you striving for even more, but it seems you keep falling short? Are you feeling frustrated by your or others’ performance not being up to your expectations?
August 28 – Are you on a treadmill or a launching pad? Are you putting great effort in, but feel like you’re getting nowhere? Do you feel like everybody is pacing faster than you as if you are standing still in time? Are you so focused on keeping up that you are actually falling behind?
August 21 – Need to release to gain? Do you need to release some of your commitments or obligations in order to better focus on what is more important to your forward trajectory? Is there anything you need to let go of in order to have more time and the ability to focus on what you really want to be doing? What do you need to release for good because it’s not supporting what you truly believe your priorities to be? What do you need to lose control of simply by handing off to somebody else so that you can focus on your higher priority initiatives?
August 14 – Is determination blinding you? Is there something that you are trying to achieve that is all consuming? Do you feel that you must stay entirely focused on this particular effort, otherwise you will not realize success in the endeavor? Are other areas of your life or work beginning to suffer as a result of this intense focus? Are you not seeing the whole picture related to opportunities or ways you may be able to achieve what you are trying to do more effectively or efficiently?
August 07 – Problems stealing the best of you? Does it feel as though it has been one problem after another lately? Are you putting out fires left and right, reacting, it seems, to everything around you with no time to think about anything else? Are you feeling stuck because of all the problems that have arisen, not sure what to tackle first or at all? Starting to feel like everything that can go wrong, has gone wrong, and you just don’t know where to begin to make it all right again?
July 31 – Are you saying or doing? Are you talking about things you are going to do, but haven't actually done anything to move them forward? Do you tell others your intentions, and yet these intentions have remained possibilities with no effort towards doing what you said you were going to do? Are you well intentioned, but never seem to get to it? Do you find yourself continuously changing your timelines or deadlines because you cannot seem to focus on what you say you will get done? Do you feel your inaction is due to others not doing what they have promised they will do?
July 24 – Are you exceeding or surrendering? It’s the midyear mark! How are you tracking with reaching your goals? Are you ahead of the curve or falling behind in your projections or expectations? Are you gaining momentum or feeling slowed down in ways you had not anticipated or expected? Have you been broadsided by other priorities or demands that have derailed your ability to even focus on some of your goals? Are you feeling discouraged and as though you just must surrender to your current reality?
July 17 – Are you being supported or set back? Are you surrounded by people who lift you up or put you down? Do you feel you have the right people in place to delegate to, or do you hold back initiatives because you don’t have the confidence they’ll do it right? Have past failures caused others or even yourself to doubt what you are trying to accomplish now? Are others willingly taking action on your behalf or are they merely naysayers finding everything that’s wrong?
July 10 – Are you running behind? Have plans you made been delayed unexpectedly? Has an initiative you have taken not progressed as fast as you desired or anticipated? Are you frustrated that your results are not tracking as you had hoped? Are you disappointed in not progressing and being where you want to be in this moment?