Feb 05 – Are you at a crossroads? Are you weighing various options with a feeling that the decision you make is a pivotal one, which is causing more angst out of fear that you will make the wrong choice? Are some of your options taking you out of your comfort zone, which have you doubting your ability or competency to see them through?
Jan 29 – Too focused on what's wrong? Are current affairs clouding your optimism for the year ahead? Are a lot of little things happening now that were not as you expected, planned, or hoped? Are unexpected things occurring that are causing you distraction and dissatisfaction? Are you finding yourself more focused on what is going wrong than what is going right?
Jan 22 – What do you need to overcome? What do you believe are your obstacles right now to your success? What do you think is holding you back from moving forward or progressing in the way that you would like to go? What doubts do you currently have that are consuming you amidst your efforts to move forward or make progress? What challenges seem to be blocking your ability to move forward? What are things you are accepting as your reality that may not be as dire as you believe?
Jan 15 – Are you too focused to see? Are you so driven to accomplish something that you may not be able to see opportunities, options and resources that could get you there faster? Are you so set on a course of action, that you could be blind-sided by an unexpected development or unconsidered variable? Could you have blinders on that you aren’t even conscious of, limiting your ability to see what needs to be seen or know what you need to learn?
Jan 08 – Is uncertainty hindering tangible results? Is what is unknown causing you to hesitate or not fully engage in striving toward what you ultimately want to achieve? Are you finding measuring your effectiveness in some areas elusive, and as a result your efforts feel less tangible or productive? Are there areas in which you need to gain more insight and clarity to more effectively progress forward?
Jan 01 – Are you momentum ready? On this January 1st, how are you approaching your goals? Are you caught on the resolutions treadmill? Are you focusing more on what you need to fix, correct, or do better at? Are you feeling a lot of guilt in what you didn’t accomplish and that’s why you feel like you are getting nowhere?
Dec 25 – Ready to release and reset? As this year comes to a close, are you gearing up for even better next year, or are you caught up in what didn’t occur or wasn’t as expected for this year? Are you harboring feelings of regret or disappointment or are you embracing emotions of possibilities and opportunity? Are you revisiting what didn’t get done or are you reimagining what can be done?
Dec 18 - Are your gifts front and center? Do you wake up excited for the day ahead, knowing you are putting your best self forward? Do you feel blessed to be doing exactly what you were meant to be doing in your work or business on a daily basis? Are your unique talents and strengths being put to their best possible use? If you couldn’t answer yes to these questions, then perhaps reflection and redirection are something to consider for your year ahead.
Dec 11 - Has it been a banner or a bust year? As you reflect on 2024, are you pleased with how it has played out or disappointed? Have you gained insights from challenges that helped you leap ahead, or did you allow these challenges to set you back? Did you achieve some of your goals, yet you are so focused on what was not accomplished that you cannot appreciate what you did succeed at doing? Additionally, did you accomplish some things that were not even a part of your goals or plan, and yet you have benefited greatly from these accomplishments?