Posts tagged with "empowerment"

22. April 2020
Apr 22 – Are the “have nots” winning? Is everything that you currently don’t have or cannot do monopolizing your focus? Are you spending more time frustrated by how you are being limited or feel limited and wishing it could be different? Are you allowing all that is not going as originally planned due to what has been out of your control drain your energy and ability to move forward? When the focus is what is going wrong or is not as you desired, you are taking your own power away to...
05. February 2020
Feb 5 – Need a little illumination? Are you in need of some fresh perspective or ideas in how to accomplish what you are setting out to do? Are you feeling a bit stale in the activities and initiatives that you are undertaking? Could you use a little insight or assistance, but not sure exactly what would be the most valuable choice in how you gain that support? Sometimes when we are mired in all our to-do’s, it is difficult to look above it all to see what may be missing or more effective.
06. November 2019
Nov 6 – Are you in your own head? Are your thoughts serving you or severing your ability to accomplish all that you desire and want? Are you hindering your ability to be open, aware, motivated, or intentional? Are you wishing things could be different? Are you afraid to admit what is holding you back or not even clear what it is that is holding you back? Your thoughts are either elevating or undermining your greatest opportunities in your present or future. Transforming what is inside your...
14. August 2019
August 14 – Are you leveraging your past? Are you so focused on now and the future that you have forgotten what may have been the secret sauce that got you where you are right now? Are you so focused on what’s next that you are not looking back to see how you could potentially engage what you have done previously to super-charge what you want to do? Are you overlooking someone from your past who could be just the resource, connection or leverage you need to catapult your dreams into motion?...
03. July 2019
July 3, 2019 - Are you in your own way? Are you feeling like everything is up to you or it doesn’t get done? Are you constantly moving, making things happen, getting things done, checking things off of your list, and yet feel as though you never have a moment to catch your breath? OR are you stuck and cannot seem to get past it and you are not clear why? Are you hesitating more than progressing and doubting more than doing? Are you questioning, yet not finding the answers or answering when...
15. May 2019
May 15 – Are you closer than you think? Have you been diligently working towards your goals and it feels like with each step you take there are so many more steps to be taken? Are there steps that could be better served by others contributing and helping? Are there ways to achieve the same end-result with more impact and fewer steps? Sometimes the simplest of insights or shifts can transform what seems far-reaching into easily grasped.
21. May 2018
May 21, 2018 - Do you see it, believe it, feel it? Are you taking time each day to truly envision, believe in and feel what you are doing and striving to do in good, empowering ways? Do you take moments to simply appreciate what you already have and how this is enabling you to have even more? Do you allow yourself brief moments of celebration for what you have overcome and are no longer a challenge for you? Do you allow yourself to close your eyes and see with all your heart and soul that what...
30. April 2018
April 30, 2018 - Are you being true to you? Have you been so focused on all that needs to be accomplished and the many demands tugging away at your every moments, that you feel you have lost yourself in all the chaos? Are the wants and needs of others taking precedence over your own desires to the point that you are continuously putting what you want on hold? There is nothing selfish about taking some time to reconnect and re-engage with yourself in order to realign and re-prioritize what is...
02. April 2012
April 2, 2012 - How are you investing in your well being? How are you appreciating who you are, have become, and what you can be? How are you taking time to assure your physical, spiritual and emotional health and vitality on a daily basis and into the coming years? You are a fountain of potential, value and worth with a purpose that is only just beginning to bubble to the surface in the difference it can make. Your body is your well that when kept full and flowing with clear and focused...
30. January 2012
Jan 30, 2012 – Are you entrusting others? How trusting are you in others to help accomplish what you are trying to achieve? Do you have a network of support and inspiration you can turn to for valued perspective, reinforcing insight or re-directive guidance when needed? People who succeed know that they cannot do it solo. They understand the momentum that can be built and the empowerment that comes from having Circles of Influence, Trust, and Support, especially when roadblocks or challenges...

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