Posts tagged with "experiences"

05. March 2018
March 5, 2018 - Is your purpose driving you forward? Do you have an ultimate outcome in mind that serves as your guide towards what you are trying to achieve? Are you driven by a purpose that is greater than you, yet shapes the very essence of you? Or are you caught up in tasks or obligations that no longer excite or delight you? Or have they never made you feel as though you were meant to be doing them? Each of us brings a unique set of experiences, insights and talents that are meant to be at...
17. July 2017
July 17, 2017 - Are you thinking too much? Are you caught up in over-thinking about things that are happening or that you are considering doing? Are you analyzing every aspect, trying to figure out what could be a potential problem or needs to be considered before taking action? Are you hesitant to move forward until you believe you understand or have contemplated every possible alternative or issue? Is your thinking taking you into realms of all that could go wrong, further delaying your...
26. December 2016
Dec 26, 2016 - Are you looking forward? To the year ahead? To the opportunities you have yet to embrace? To the blessings that are continuing to unfold? To each moment you are given to make a difference and take action? Or are you looking back upon the past year with regret and disappointment at what didn't happen or occur as you would have liked? Anticipating the best means looking forward to the very best that can be for you. Don't allow your thoughts to get lost in what isn't or wasn't....
12. December 2011
Dec 12, 2011 – Are you satisfied with this year’s work? As you reflect over the past 12 months, are you gratified and satisfied with what has been accomplished or are you wishing you could have done more? Are you excited about the year to come or are you wishing you could relive and rework a few things from this past year? While it is always good to learn and grow from experiences that did not go as desired, to continually focus on what you wish would have been or feeling guilty about what...
29. August 2011
Aug 29, 2011 - Do you take calculated risks or impulsive risks? What is taking a risk to you? What would be considered a risk by others but to you it is not a risk at all? What do you see as risky, but to someone else you know, it is not? By understanding your perception of risk and how it relates to the way others think, you can better determine how to proceed with endeavors requiring the assistance of others. If you don’t have a good idea of how those around you perceive risk, perhaps it is...
25. July 2011
July 25, 2011 – Not feeling content? Are you dissatisfied with things and how life is currently? Are you finding yourself unmotivated or not energized by anything happening around you? Are you fed up with a particular situation and feel there is nothing you can do to change it? When you feel as though nothing is as you desire, it is time to focus entirely on what you do desire. Happiness is a state of mind, not a desired state. It is a way of being, not a goal to be. Therefore, if you are...
01. March 2010
March 1, 2010 – Are you continuously learning? What have you learned that you did not know a week ago? Was it a piece of information? Was it a new skill? Was it a lesson as a result of a failure or mistake? Was it awareness or insight about someone or something? Whether we realize it or not, we are learning many things every day. The key is to be aware of what we are learning and when we are learning. Take an MM&I Moment to consider the past week and what you have learned as a result of...