Posts tagged with "priority"

02. March 2015
March 2, 2015 - Are your actions inspired? Or are your actions merely required by others? Are you going through your day performing various tasks, merely checking them off your list of what you need to get done each day based on what others need you to do? Or are you prioritizing your tasks and determining best next steps based on your most desired goals and greatest passions for the difference you can uniquely make? It is easy to allow everyone else's demands to place you in a mode of doing...
03. November 2014
Nov 3, 2014 - Could tomorrow be today? Are you putting off things you would really like to be doing for later? Are you pushing a responsibility continuously into the future because it isn't something you enjoy or look forward to, even though you know it must be dealt with at some point? Do you catch yourself saying, "I'll get around to it tomorrow." or "Maybe tomorrow, I can make this a priority." ... and then tomorrow continues to be "tomorrow"? Both the things you really want to be doing and...
07. April 2014
April 7, 2014 - Are you envisioning with intent? Are you envisioning what you desire for your life with intent or wishful thinking? There is a fine line when it comes to having a dream you truly desire and seeing it come to fruition. If you are merely wishing it to come into reality, you are not putting yourself fully into its manifestation, but viewing your dream as an outsider looking in. Then it is more like a mirage than something you believe could be real. Putting intent into your dream...
14. October 2013
Oct 14, 2013 - Is work dictating your life? Do you believe that everything you do is contingent on what is expected of you in the work that you do for a living? Is your work monopolizing your full attention, leaving little else for you to enjoy in your life to enjoy? Are you feeling as though you have no control over your life at all because your work demands so much from you and takes so much out of you? If your work is ruling your life, then you must accept that you have allowed it to take...
07. October 2013
Oct 7, 2013 - Is what's important mattering? Are you racing through each day doing many things, but feeling as though you haven't accomplished anything? Do you find yourself wishing for a miracle moment that will enable you to afford the time to do what you would really like to be doing? Are you involved in activities or projects that you are not passionate about, but you feel an obligation to push forward? With so much being demanded of us each and every day, we easily lose sight of what...
25. February 2013
Feb 25, 2013 - Do you feel like something's missing? Do you feel like something is missing or that you are missing out on your life in some way, but have no clue about why or what? Too often, in our world of to-do's and must-do's, we get lost in who we really are in order to meet the demands of day-to-day living and working. When you feel something is missing, it typically stems from the fact that you are not honoring who you are as a person. You need to stimulate "you" back to life again so...
14. May 2012
May 14, 2012 - Are you in “inactive” control? What I mean is, are there several things you have started or know that you want to do, but are in a stagnant state because you don’t believe anyone can do them but you, and yet, you have not gotten around to doing them yourself? One of your greatest sources of satisfaction and accomplishment can be the simple act of getting out of your own way in order to move things forward. Your next greatest source of accomplishment and satisfaction is...
02. April 2012
April 2, 2012 - How are you investing in your well being? How are you appreciating who you are, have become, and what you can be? How are you taking time to assure your physical, spiritual and emotional health and vitality on a daily basis and into the coming years? You are a fountain of potential, value and worth with a purpose that is only just beginning to bubble to the surface in the difference it can make. Your body is your well that when kept full and flowing with clear and focused...
12. March 2012
March 12, 2012 – Is your why not clear? What do you believe it will take to accomplish a long-term goal that seems out of reach at the moment? Are you so focused on what you need to do in the short term, you haven’t even considered it in a while? Or do you believe the goal is something to be accomplished so far in the future, that it is not a priority at this time? Any goal you truly desire to be accomplished merits attention that begins from the time you determined this was a goal to be...
13. June 2011
June 13, 2011 - No time to breathe on weekends? Are Saturday and Sunday used for replenishment and fulfillment OR are your weekends filled with endless to-do’s, honey-do’s, and must-do’s instead of want-to’s and can’t-wait-to-do’s? Is Saturday morning spent catching up on household duties, bills, and a long list of shoulds? Are you more focused on getting caught up than spending time catching up with loved ones or friends? Does the idea of having any weekend time to yourself seem...

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