Posts tagged with "passion"

07. May 2018
May 7, 2018 - Are you wavering? Is something you have been striving to achieve beginning to feel like it is not possible? Are you starting to second guess yourself in what you have been doing or are about to do? Are you losing confidence in your ability to proceed and succeed? Our passion feeds our faith in ourselves and in what we are doing. When you are passionate about something, it is a part of you so completely that you simply believe. Call it blind faith; it is confidence in its purest...
26. March 2018
March 26, 2018 - Are your reasons compelling enough? Are you striving to achieve based on a clear purpose and desired outcome, or are you striving to reach certain attainments based what is expected or has been dictated? Are you impassioned and inspired to succeed or are outside influences driving you to succeed? Too often we allow what is deemed successful to cloud what would make us even more successful. If you are not realizing an ongoing satisfaction and gratification, then other factors or...
15. January 2018
Jan 15, 2018 - Are you being specific enough? As you contemplate the goals you have set for this year, are they specific enough that they inspire your next steps towards achieving them? When you seek assistance or support from others, are you being specific enough in what exactly you need them to do and why? When you provide your own answers and responses, are you being clear and specific as to the point you are trying to make? Vagueness is the killer of motivation and understanding. As you set...
11. December 2017
Dec 11, 2017 - Is it never enough? Are you striving to accomplish specific goals, and it seems no matter what you do, you cannot ever quite get there? Are you a high achiever that once you reach the next pinnacle, you find yourself feeling as though it still isn't quite enough and you must continually set the bar higher and make the challenge greater? In either case, perhaps what is actually happening is a disconnection between what you think you want versus what you truly want. Take an...
23. October 2017
Oct 23, 2017 - Are you letting others in? Are you allowing others to know what you are trying to achieve? Are you seeking insights and perspectives to better understand any challenges you might be facing to get where you want to go? Is your passion for what you are doing being shared with those important to you and those who may share similar interests? Are you also interested in what others are trying to achieve? People with great satisfaction in their lives and livelihoods are seven times...
21. August 2017
Aug 21, 2017 - Is time blinking away? Do you feel as though you don't have the time to get to the things you really want to be doing? Are you feeling time slipping away and frustrated by this prospect? Perhaps you need to take an honest look at how you're spending your time. If you're not doing what you truly want to be doing, you need to make different choices. If you feel obligated to focus on what you are currently focusing on instead of what you really want to be doing, you need to accept...
10. July 2017
July 10, 2017 - Are you accepting boredom? Are you feeling bored with the way things are in your work or your life? Are you losing enthusiasm and excitement in what used to exhilarate you? Or do you believe you have never known a level of excitement or enthusiasm because of what you believe to be an uninteresting life? If you are bored with your life, the hard reality is that you are accepting it the way that it is and allowing boredom to hold you prisoner. Boredom is of your own making. Stop...
06. March 2017
March 6, 2017 – Are you compelled to succeed? Are you allowing past successes you have realized to propel you forward into new successes? Are you continuing to learn from both disappointments and achievements in order to build best practices moving forward? Are you driven by a clarity of purpose, vision and goals that guide you effectively and passionately? Your ability to succeed is first and foremost enabled by your mindset and how you view and embrace success within your life. If you are...
13. February 2017
Feb 13, 2017 - Is the romance gone? Have you lost the passion you once had for something you thought you wanted to achieve? Have you become disenchanted by your current working or life conditions, also believing the people you were once enamored with are not a good fit for what you are trying to do? Have you fallen out of love with your business or your career choice, and are feeling a bit stuck as a result? Whether you have romanticized a relationship or a dream of what you want to achieve,...
12. December 2016
Dec 12, 2016 - Are your actions inspired enough? Are you intentional about the actions you are taking to lead you down the pathway of your choosing? Or are your actions driven by demands, expectations, and reactions to what others are doing or need you to be doing? Do you feel passionate about the steps you are taking or merely obligated? Do you have a sense of accomplishment when you complete certain actions or a sense of relief that they are behind you? If you are not excited by the actions...

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