Posts tagged with "dream"

16. January 2017
Jan 16, 2017 - Do you need to be heard? Are you keeping your ultimate goals and dreams to yourself? Are there things you want to accomplish that no one knows you desire to do? Why is this occurring? Why have you not shared? Is it out of fear of being judged, ridiculed, or discouraged? Is it because you believe what you want is beyond reality or what is possible? Is it because it is just a dream and that is all you believe it will ever be? Self censoring what you desire is only holding in who...
04. January 2016
Jan 4, 2016 - Is the unknown limiting you? Are you hesitant to pursue a dream or goal because you feel there is still so much that is not known about what you are trying to do? Are you questioning yourself because you think that because there is so much you don't know, you would be unwise to pursue a particular direction at this time? Instead of focusing on what you don't know, consider determining what you need to learn or find out, so that there are less unknowns and more clarity to what you...
07. April 2014
April 7, 2014 - Are you envisioning with intent? Are you envisioning what you desire for your life with intent or wishful thinking? There is a fine line when it comes to having a dream you truly desire and seeing it come to fruition. If you are merely wishing it to come into reality, you are not putting yourself fully into its manifestation, but viewing your dream as an outsider looking in. Then it is more like a mirage than something you believe could be real. Putting intent into your dream...
27. August 2012
Aug 27, 2012 – Are others’ successes getting to you? Do you find yourself wishing you were experiencing some of what someone else is enjoying or receiving? Being too focused on what others are experiencing and you are not, is going about it in the wrong way. Instead of wishing for what they have, appreciate their good fortune with the understanding that because you bear witness to it, you could have the same. Instead of envy, be energized by the possibilities that exist within you and...
14. February 2011
Feb 14, 2011 – Are you sensing your outcomes? How are you allowing yourself to know what it will be like once you have realized your dream life or business in its richest, most satisfying sense? Are you putting all of your senses into action to help reinforce that your goals are tangible and reachable? What does success taste like to you? What does success feel like to you? How does success smell to you? How does success sound to you? How do you see your home, business, family that is the...
21. June 2010
June 21, 2010 – Do you think it’s too late? Do you feel you are too old to pursue a particular dream or desire? Is there something you have always wanted to try to do and now you think the time has passed? Then you are right. Because it is how you THINK that has more power than anything or anyone else can possibly have over you. Take an MM&I Moment and imagine you still doing what you want to be doing … Trying what you would really like to try … And then write down three things you...
12. April 2010
April 12, 2010 – Do you need a dose of dream doing? Do you find yourself wishing for things in the future or wishing things were like the past? Instead of daydreaming or dreaming of the day, how about dream doing and taking inspired action? Dreams are what inspiration was made for but only if you do something about them. Take an MM&I Moment to write five simple things you can do to help you get closer to your dream or make your current situation better. Be inspired by your thoughts, not...
21. September 2009
Sept 21, 2009- Have you dared yourself to dream big? A big bodacious dream that seems so out of reach that you laugh at the possibility? What is that dream for you? Have you written it down and why it would be so awesome to achieve? Stop looking at it as out of the realm of possibility and start taking steps towards making it closer to real. Take an MM&I Moment and put that bodacious dream down and the reasons why it would be so fabulous for you, for others, for your life and work in...
13. July 2009
July 13, 2009 – Are you held back by fear? Is fearful thinking keeping you from getting to where you want to go in life or in work? Do you have a fear of failure, success, losing control, being ordinary, taking risks, letting someone down, or making the wrong choice? When you allow fear to stop you in your tracks, your thinking is working against you versus for you. Those who conquer their fears understand that stepping out of their comfort zone is what it takes to know the sweet comforts of...