Posts tagged with "strengths"

13. November 2017
Nov 13, 2017 - Are you leveraging your worth? Are you building upon your successes for momentum-building future success? Do you focus a majority of your efforts with an emphasis on your strongest abilities and competencies? Are you delegating effectively in order to be able to allow your strengths and unique talents to be at the forefront of your actions? If you answered "No" to any of these questions, then you are not leveraging your true worth to your greatest advantage. Take an MM&I...
27. March 2017
March 27, 2017 – Are you making it harder? Are you caught up in what has happened or is happening, which may be distracting you away from what could be happening? Are you viewing a setback or challenge as a game stopper instead of an opportunity to improve upon or effectively adjust your approach for the better? Are you so focused on weaknesses and threats that you are not effectively leveraging your strengths and opportunities? Are you feeling you must have all the answers in order to...
02. November 2015
Nov 2, 2015 - In the midst of chaos? Is your head spinning from all that is transpiring around you, causing uncertainty on what to focus on next? Are you saying to yourself "be careful what you wish for" as you manage what has resulted from your hard work and efforts? Reaching goals naturally means reaching and going beyond where you have been before. If you don't feel a little uncomfortable, then the goal wasn't stretched enough. If it doesn't feel a little chaotic, then you are playing it too...
20. January 2014
Jan 20, 2014 - Are you at your "core" best? Do you find yourself continuously distracted or redirected away from what you know you do best in order to deal with everything else that is demanding your attention? Do you know your core competencies and strengths, and are you leveraging them each and every day in both your life and work? The key to achievement lies in how you prioritize your actions and effort based on what you are uniquely equipped to do and capable of doing. Take an MM&I...
17. October 2011
Oct 17, 2011 – Are you a leader, a manager, or a taskmaster? If you consider yourself a leader, but are not seeing the progress you hoped to see, could it be that you need a manager to organize and taskmaster to help you progress some of the details forward towards your vision? If you are a manager but feeling frustrated by the endless hassles and conflicts, could a leader be a mentor to help you approach things from a different perspective or could a taskmaster put some processes and...