Posts tagged with "overcoming challenges"

18. March 2020
Mar 18 – Is scarcity all consuming? Amidst our national crisis, are you focused so much on what you can’t get or don’t have that you have forgotten about all that you already have readily available to you? Are you lamenting over how you are being limited and dictated to more than how you are being freed up? When you become so focused on being without, it is time to go deep within and remind yourself what can never be taken away from you, unless you allow it.
11. March 2020
March 11 – Are you embracing the lesson? Are you frustrated by what has not happened or is not occurring as you had hoped? Are you disappointed in an outcome that didn’t result as you expected? Are you questioning your intentions because of what has not transpired? If you are so focused on what has not happened, then you are not embracing what has happened in a way that you can learn and grow. Just because you didn’t realize the result you had hoped for does not mean it was for not. The...
20. March 2019
March 20, 2019 - Frustrated by what's not working? Are you putting your all into an initiative and it just is not turning out as you had hoped? Are you finding that each time you attempt to move something forward, you are finding another challenge that is holding you back? Do you feel as though there is a road block, no matter where you turn? Do you sometimes feel like just giving up, because it seems no matter what you try, it just isn’t working? Before you throw in the towel, consider...