Posts tagged with "disappointment"

15. September 2014
Sept 15, 2014 - Are you not making the progress you had hoped? With the last quarter of the year looming, are you looking back on what you had hoped to accomplish with disappointment or frustration? Are there specific goals in which you had expected to have made more progress? It is human nature to underestimate the timeline it will take to accomplish something and overestimate our ability in making the goal happen. Why? Because we never account for the many distractions and demands that impact...
28. October 2013
Oct 28, 2013 - Is frustration zapping your energy? Are you feeling drained because of a continuous flow of frustration you are experiencing from a variety of sources? Or is one particular situation affecting your morale and your motivation, which is causing you as much frustration with yourself as you feel about the circumstances causing you stress? While we cannot control what is thrown at us at any given minute to deal or cope with, we do have total control over how we respond, react and...
10. December 2012
Dec 10, 2012 - Are you looking forward or looking back? As this year comes to its conclusion, how are you reflecting and projecting into the year ahead? Are you looking back with regret and disappointment? Or are you looking back with insight and awareness? Are you looking forward with excitement and anticipation? Or are you looking forward with anxiety and trepidation? How you view your past or future will have a direct impact on what you do in the present. Take an MM&I Moment to take...
21. May 2012
May 21, 2012 – Have you lost a little faith? Has something happened recently that has made you lose faith in yourself? Are you beginning to question the direction you are headed or even the passions that you are pursuing? When disappointment in progress occurs or a particular outcome was not as desired, it is the important to pause and look at it from an objective perspective versus from frustration and disenchantment. Take an MM&I Moment to think about the recent situation you...
20. June 2011
June 20, 2011 – Has an opportunity not panned out? Has a recent opportunity not turned out exactly as you had hoped? Is the excitement gone and has disappointment set in because it didn’t manifest as you thought that it would? Are you questioning your judgment or abilities as a result? Are you now doubting your direction or priorities? When things don't occur the way you had envisioned, it doesn't mean your vision is off, it just means there is more to be learned or a better opportunity is...
12. July 2010
July 12, 2010 – Are you avoiding something? Do you find yourself avoiding aspects of your work, business or life because it is not exactly the way you had hoped out would be? Don’t allow frustration or disappointment to be your excuse not to take action. Avoidance only serves to bog you down emotionally, and distract you to inaction on other fronts. Whatever it is, you have the power within you to make it better, more rewarding, or to reach an understanding or decision that can help you...