Posts tagged with "business"

11. September 2017
Sept 11, 2017 - Experiencing growing pains? Are you feeling challenged by circumstances in your life, work, or business, and it's taking its toll emotionally or physically? Do you find yourself wishing things could just be easier or less stressful? Instead of viewing the challenge as an affront or something that is holding you back, consider the likelihood that it is helping you grow and evolve to your next level of being and doing, once you get to the other side of it. Take an MM&I Moment...
21. July 2014
July 21, 2014 - What value do you bring? Have you considered the tangible and intangible value that you bring to the work that you do or to the business you are in? The phrase "banking on" you are being counted on or depended upon. There is real power in these words in an era when reliability and service are at an all-time low in business. Focusing on delivering what you promise to deliver and then serving others beyond their expectations is why growth companies and high performance individuals...
10. February 2014
Feb 10, 2014 - Too caught up in busy work? Are you constantly busy, but are not making any real progress? Are you visiting the same issues over and over in your mind, knowing the next steps you could or should take, but then aren't taking them? Do you find that you are easily distracted in using your time on less important or less urgent activities, while those tasks, projects or decisions that are more important await your next step? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, you need to...
29. April 2013
April 29, 2013 - Are you feeling tested? Is everything you are attempting to accomplish being met with a challenge lately? Are you feeling that you are being tested in some way? Do you feel that you shouldn't have to prove anything at this stage of your life, your career or in your business? When we experience one challenge at a time, it seems more palatable and, therefore, we deal with it and move on. But, when several challenges occur all at once, we too often get caught up in their...
05. December 2011
Dec 5, 2011 – Feeling unrecognized? Are you going above and beyond in your work and what you deliver only to feel as though no-one seems to be noticing? Are you feeling as though people are expecting more for less and it isn’t as gratifying to give when no-one seems to recognize the effort and attention being paid to doing an exceptional job? Never let others’ lack of recognition keep you from doing what you believe is the right way to be in how you approach doing things. Always focus on...
20. September 2010
Sept 20, 2010 – Is your work all you have? Is your business or work giving you the ability to have a life you love or is your entire life your work or your business? If you live and breathe your work, then something is missing that could very well be affecting your ability to be truly in love with your life. Take an MM&I Moment to list at least seven things what would make you love your life outside of work. Then choose one of them and make a list of just one or two things you can do to...
07. June 2010
June 7, 2010 – Are you confusing busy with real action? Are you busy as can be, but not seeing the results from your busyness? Then you could be falling into the trap of confusing distraction with action. Is everything that you are staying busy doing moving you towards reaching one of your goals or simply filling your time? Oftentimes busyness is a way to avoid what seems overwhelming or intimidating. It is a way of putting things off without feeling like you are procrastinating because at...
31. May 2010
May 31, 2010 – Is a balance mindset limiting you? Have you gotten trapped into the “this will have to wait” mentality? Are some things you want to do in your life on hold because of what you want to do in your business? Are there things in your business that you feel must wait because of what you are focusing on right now in your life? If you believe it has to be one or the other right now, then you are in a balancing mindset reacting and focusing on what is “out of balance” instead...
26. April 2010
April 26, 2010 – Are you building a career or a better life? Are you so focused on building a career or a business that you have forgotten what you are ultimately trying to do in building a life? If you believe your life must be put on hold while you work hard in order to play hard later, then consider what you are really creating and also giving up. Take an MM&I Moment to view your current life through those with whom you work or live. What are they missing in you and what are you...