Posts tagged with "being fearless"

18. March 2020
Mar 18 – Is scarcity all consuming? Amidst our national crisis, are you focused so much on what you can’t get or don’t have that you have forgotten about all that you already have readily available to you? Are you lamenting over how you are being limited and dictated to more than how you are being freed up? When you become so focused on being without, it is time to go deep within and remind yourself what can never be taken away from you, unless you allow it.
12. February 2020
Feb 12 – Is it never good enough? Are you having a hard time moving forward on a project or initiative because you are trying to “get it just right”? Do you constantly second guess yourself in your efforts? Are there voices from your past making you feel as though it is never quite good enough? Do you feel as though one challenge after another is keeping you from completing what you are setting out to do? Aiming to be the best you can be should never make you feel less than while in the...
29. January 2020
Jan 29 – What’s winning … fear or future? How are you showing up each day to embrace your most desired hopes and dreams? Do you have a plan of action that keeps you focused on small steps to get you there? Are you making these steps a priority each and every day? Are you stepping outside of your comfort zone to learn, grow, connect and evolve? How you are showing up is evident in your actions. If you are busy doing a myriad of things, none of which are propelling your towards your...