What's winning ... fear or future?

Jan 29 – What’s winning … fear or future? How are you showing up each day to embrace your most desired hopes and dreams? Do you have a plan of action that keeps you focused on small steps to get you there? Are you making these steps a priority each and every day? Are you stepping outside of your comfort zone to learn, grow, connect and evolve? How you are showing up is evident in your actions. If you are busy doing a myriad of things, none of which are propelling your towards your ultimate desires, then it is time to understand why you are holding yourself back.

Take an MM&I Moment to awaken to how you are allowing fear to guide your choices. What is causing you to hesitate or focus on other things?  What are you afraid may happen if you go all in for what you want? What are you afraid won’t happen? What are you finding yourself wishing for that is causing you to hesitate? To do what you say you ultimately want to do rests solely on your ability to get out of your own way. 


Wide Awake Quote of the Week

“If it’s not making you uncomfortable, then your vision isn’t big enough.” – Susie Carder


Yours in dreaming WIDE awake,




P.S.  I had the distinct pleasure of being inspired by Susie Carder at the Evolutionary Business Council retreat in San Antonio earlier this month. What an amazing gathering of thought-leaders committed to raising the consciousness of the power we each possess for evolving business ... evolving mindsets .... evolving wellness. I am truly honored to be a part of this movement!