Posts tagged with "May2016"

30. May 2016
May 30, 2016 - Should "Yes" be your answer? Are you hesitating doing something or moving forward simply because you don't have all the answers that you feel you need to proceed? Have you stopped progress on an initiative because you are waiting on others to do their part, or you feel you are in limbo at this time? Anything that is important to you has a multitude of ways to continue to move forward. Don't allow yourself to hesitate when small efforts can make a big difference. Even when others...
23. May 2016
May 23, 2016 – Are your passions dividing you? Are you having a difficult time being able to focus on all the things you are passionate about? Do you feel you must focus on one or a few and put the other things off for a while due to limited time or resources? Your passions are the true indicators of who you are inside at the very core of you. To push them aside is the equivalent of pushing a part of you aside. Consider the alternative of figuring out how your passions can feed and fuel one...
16. May 2016
May 16, 2016 - Are you caught up in the details? Are you overwhelmed by the amount of attention everything you are trying to do requires in order to it all done? Are you so focused on all the details that you are losing sight of what it will ultimately take to make real progress? Are you trapped in a mindset that only you can attend to these details, while at the same time feeling overwhelmed by the details? Being able to leverage, on many levels, other people and resources are pivotal to...
09. May 2016
May 9, 2016 - Caught in the same old, same old? Have you settled into your way of doing things, and while it is comfortable to you, the results are not as you had ultimately hoped? Do you feel as though there is nothing that is really stimulating, motivating or spurring you forward beyond where you are currently? Are you feeling stuck where you are currently, and not certain how to get out of what seems to be a pattern of sameness or repetitive disappointments? Boredom and a feeling of being...
02. May 2016
May 2, 2016 – Are you "do-thinking"? Are you actually doing things that will get you where you ultimately want to go? OR are you stuck in a mindset of wishing it were so, taking no action to actually create momentum to get there? Your ability to think and imagine the possibilities is only as powerful as your ability to take action and make those possibilities come to life moment-to-moment, and day in, day out. Whatever you think you want to be doing, do something right now to move you forward...