Posts tagged with "mentality"

15. June 2015
June 15, 2015 - Are you wishing or willing? Are you striving toward something that you are wishing would happen? If you are caught in a wishing mentality, then you are also doubting the full possibility that it could come true. Wishing leaves room for doubt, and with doubt comes an underlying need to know more in order to shift your thinking from any doubts to doing what can be done to bring what you desire into reality. Take an MM&I Moment to assess what is making this desire more of a...
15. September 2014
Sept 15, 2014 - Are you not making the progress you had hoped? With the last quarter of the year looming, are you looking back on what you had hoped to accomplish with disappointment or frustration? Are there specific goals in which you had expected to have made more progress? It is human nature to underestimate the timeline it will take to accomplish something and overestimate our ability in making the goal happen. Why? Because we never account for the many distractions and demands that impact...
14. June 2010
June 14, 2010 – Are you positively driven? Are you a glass half full or a glass half empty mentality right now? What about those people around you at work and in life? How are they feeding and fueling your state of mind positively or negatively? If you find you are more down than up, then it is time to look around you and inside you to bring that positive energy and perspective back into being. Take an MM&I Moment to only think of what is going well, right, and that you appreciate in your...
31. May 2010
May 31, 2010 – Is a balance mindset limiting you? Have you gotten trapped into the “this will have to wait” mentality? Are some things you want to do in your life on hold because of what you want to do in your business? Are there things in your business that you feel must wait because of what you are focusing on right now in your life? If you believe it has to be one or the other right now, then you are in a balancing mindset reacting and focusing on what is “out of balance” instead...