Posts tagged with "connection"

17. March 2014
March 17, 2014 - Hoping for a little luck? Do you have some exciting opportunities that you hope will work out in your favor? Are you feeling that you have done all you can do in a particular situation? Do you find yourself more often than not hoping for a little luck to push you to your next level of achievement? Just as you get excited about the possibility of finding that four-leaf clover amidst a sea of clover, use that same excitement and anticipation to focus more on the thrill of...
16. January 2012
Jan 16, 2012 – Putting goals on hold? Do you have personal or professional goals that you have put on the back burner because you believe they must wait until other things get done? If there is something you really want to achieve, it should be embraced and not put on hold. Even if your plate seems full beyond comprehension, there are still little things you can do to move whatever it is you truly want forward. Take an MM&I Moment to think about those goals you want to achieve...
14. March 2011
March 14, 2011 - What have you celebrated lately? Are you so focused on your goals or one particular achievement you want to attain that you aren’t celebrating the small successes along the way? When you drive hard and don’t take moments to appreciate the little steps that have accumulatively helped you make bigger strides, those around you begin to feel taken for granted. The reality is that those little steps were made possible by others helping you along the way … making a connection...