May 08 – Feeling crowded out? Are you feeling closed in, shut out, or unseen lately? Do you feel that some of your efforts have been overshadowed by distractions, noise, and minutia all around? Are you feeling like your voice isn’t making an impact, or your business isn’t being noticed even with all the effort you have put into building a reputation and presence? Are you not realizing your full potential or feeling appreciated for the effort of time and talent you have invested?
Even in a crowded space, there is a way to be heard, stand out, and gain traction. You are only crowded out if you accept this to be your reality. Your ability to stand out, speak up, and step forward is always within your control. If you are too focused on what is happening around you or to you, that external focus is what has got you lost in the crowd.
Take an MM&I Moment to awaken to what you can do to seize control of opportunities to stand strong and apart with momentum-building impact. If you are feeling unheard, unseen, or not included, where is this stemming from and what is within your control to take action? If you have felt overshadowed by distraction, noise, and everyday minutia, what can you do to bring calm and clarity to your environment for yourself and others? If you feel that your voice isn’t being heard, how can you speak out in a manner that is productive, enlightening and empowering to others? If you feel your business isn’t getting noticed and has gotten lost in a crowd of competitors, are you embracing your true advantages and areas of uniqueness in a way that will create preference and loyalty? Are you clear about who you server better than anyone else? Whether it is your business, personally or professionally, it boils down to getting clear, having a strategy, and making momentum building decisions within your control.
Wide Awake Quote of the Week
“The ladder of success is never crowded at the top.” – Napoleon Hill
Yours in dreaming WIDE awake,

P.S. Need some insights to inspire innovating distinctiveness in your business to set yourself apart from the crowd? Check out this BizGrowth 5.0 blog to get you thinking in a momentum-building way. Personally or professionally, are you feeling so lost in the crowd you don’t know where to begin? Check out this Bonus Blog from 2023 to get your thinking flowing.