Jan 30 – Is your vision inspiring enough? Do you have a vision for your future that excites and exhilarates you? Does just thinking about this desired outcome impassion and invigorate you? Does this vision motivate you into action and instill a determination against all odds? If you answered "No" to any of these questions, then perhaps you need to think bigger, broader, and more optimistically about what is possible for you and your future.
Take an MM&I Moment to awaken your imagination to the ultimate future you desire. What do you value most and how does this show up in your future? What are you most passionate about and
how does this flourish in your future? What will make you want to do something everyday towards achieving that vision? What will get others important to you as excited and motivated along with
you? Your vision can become reality when you are clear what you most desire. Opportunities abound to help you make it happen. Simply think beyond what you see and vision beyond what you think.
Wide Awake Quote of the Week
"The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision." – Helen Keller
Yours in dreaming WIDE awake,

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