Aug 8, 2011 - Are you surrounded by inspiration? Have you taken stock lately in the mementos you have at work and in your home and what they mean to you? Or do they just blur into the background because of the busy life you lead? Do you have pictures of family and friends? Are there inspirational sayings and plaques? Are there specific books? Are there trinkets, works of art, artifacts or collectibles from trips you have taken or places you have been? These have all accumulated because they meant something to you. Allow them to re-engage you in your life.
Take an MM&I Moment to simply enjoy and reflect on these fabulous reminders of what you love, have enjoyed and appreciate about your life. Take a few minutes and stroll through your home or get up from your desk and revisit these items as if you were seeing them for the first time. Remember the stories, the experiences or the inspiration behind them. Allow them to reignite your joy, your passion, your excitement and your gratitude. Then experience the amazing feeling that washes over you as you do this and the smile and the pleasure you will have from the inside out simply from remembering.
Synergized Quote of the Week
“Take a step back, evaluate what is important, and enjoy life.” – Teri Garr
Yours in synergistic thinking,