24. July 2024
Are you exceeding or surrendering?
Too often, when it feels like too much time has been lost, so you begin thinking the goal may no longer be viable or worthy of pursuing at this juncture, no time is spent to see how you can revitalize your focus and empower your resolve to achieve it.
17. July 2024
Are you being supported or set back?
Surrounding yourself with the right people begins with filling your mind with the right thoughts.
10. July 2024
Are you running behind?
Instead of allowing delays or inconveniences that are causing a slowdown in progress to annoy or frustrate you, take a moment to imagine how what is occurring right now could actually be working in your favor.
03. July 2024
What is procrastination costing you?
The sheer act of procrastination is guilt-laden as you remind yourself of what needs to be done or what should be done and then it still doesn’t get done
26. June 2024
Wishing a frustrating situation would disappear?
Problems are opportunities in disguise. Once you embrace this fact, you are better able to tackle problems head on and create momentum instead.
19. June 2024
Are you playing it too safe?
Without taking some risks, you will never know how far you can really go.
12. June 2024
Are you losing momentum?
Your ability to see other ways to progress and to take action even in the smallest of ways can help momentum be regained.
05. June 2024
Is your past sabotaging your future?
Being caught in a past-minded way of thinking is taking your focus away from your ability to progress or may be keeping you caught in the past instead of embracing the present and the future.
29. May 2024
Are you "do-thinking" enough?
Your ability to think and imagine the possibilities is only as powerful as your ability to take action and make those possibilities come to life moment-to-moment, and day in, day out.
22. May 2024
Are your talent and treasure aligned?
When you have talent and unique abilities to offer, it is up to you to make them known, understood, and appreciated to their fullest capacity to be leveraged and valued.

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