Feb 05 – Are you at a crossroads? Are you weighing various options with a feeling that the decision you make is a pivotal one, which is causing more angst out of fear that you will make the wrong choice? Are some of your options taking you out of your comfort zone, which have you doubting your ability or competency to see them through?
Whether it is lack of knowledge, lack of knowing what to expect, or a lack of confidence, all of these can be resolved through taking the time to truly understand from the inside out. What is at the core of your being ... who you are and are meant to be, can help you make decisions that will feed your spirit, opportunities and future.
Take an MM&I Moment to awaken your perspective to better discern your options. As you analyze each choice, view them from your vision of your future as it relates to your values and what is most important to you. Which options stir up feelings that are in alignment with your values? Which options stir up excitement in what your future could be? If the ones that most excite you also intimidate you, what do you need to know to gain greater insight, confidence, and the ability to move forward? Take those next steps to learn and grow. Instead of forcing a decision, you are reinforcing the right decision for you. Choose the pathway that will help you realize your greatest potential and satisfaction. Choose what feels right for you. Choose your destiny.
Wide Awake Quote of the Week
“It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.” – Tony Robbins
Yours in dreaming wide awake,