Jan 22 – What do you need to overcome? What do you believe are your obstacles right now to your success? What do you think is holding you back from moving forward or progressing in the way that you would like to go? What doubts do you currently have that are consuming you amidst your efforts to move forward or make progress? What challenges seem to be blocking your ability to move forward? What are things you are accepting as your reality that may not be as dire as you believe?
Real or imagined, an excuse or reality, imposed or predisposed – whatever is keeping you from where you want to be personally or professionally is all a matter of what you believe or accept. No matter what is coming at you, there is always a choice you can make. One choice could be to learn more and gain greater insights. Another choice could be to adjust your perspective or your direction to achieve the same desired results. And a quite simple choice is to get out of your own way by what you are allowing yourself to believe. Choose to believe you can, and you will.
Take an MM&I Moment to awaken to what you believe are your biggest obstacles or reasons for not achieving what you are trying to achieve. Then list why you believe these are obstacles, challenges or even stopping you dead in your tracks. Now with each why, list even the smallest step you could take to make progress again. Start taking these steps and before you know it, what was once an obstacle was merely an inspiration and steppingstone towards your achievement.
Wide Awake Quote of the Week
“If you don’t make things happen, then things will happen to you.” – Robert Collier
Yours in dreaming wide awake,