Mar 27 – Need a mental prescription? Is the stress of life, work, or both getting to you? Do you feel overwhelmed, overtaxed, over-obligated, over-committed, or having to oversee everything? Do you feel frustrated by what you see as limitations to what you want to do or who you want to be? Are you busier than all get out but not feeling all that productive? Are you feeling like you are just not up to what it is going to take with all you already have on your plate?
When you are mentally and emotionally spent, it is difficult to see through the chaos that has engulfed your psyche. It is easier to beat yourself up and believe you just are not up to it. Whatever that “it” is weighing you down or waving at you trying to convince you that you can achieve it … remember that oftentimes the loudest noise is in your head.
Take an MM&I Moment to awaken to what may really be holding you back. I had the pleasure of sitting in on a presentation by Sandy Gennaro, a rock star drummer and author of the book, Beat the Odds. A powerful aspect of his insights were around asking everyone what is on their “Chuck-it” list. What do you need to let go of in order to truly excel and open up doors of opportunities at every turn? What do you need to let go of in the way you are thinking and in your mindset that may be holding you back more than any obstacle before you? Your inner thoughts, those deep not-so-clear thoughts, are influencing every action you take and fueling every doubt you may have. Give yourself permission to dream big. Give yourself permission to let go of what no longer serves you. Give yourself permission to be grateful for the littlest of things that have helped you along the way. Give yourself permission to believe you can achieve whatever you conceive … because you can!
Wide Awake Quote of the Week
“It’s not who you are that holds us back, it’s who we think we’re not.” – Sandy Gennaro
Yours in dreaming WIDE awake,

P.S. What does a world-touring musician know about succeeding in business and life? A whole heck of a lot! To learn more about Sandy Gennaro and his book, CLICK HERE. What I gained was a wonderful reminder of the power and impact of how the littlest of actions, gestures, consideration, and sincerity can change the trajectory on your world and everyone’s world.