Oct 11 – Is Q4 off track? Are you strategically on track in your business … with your goals … in your life? Are you feeling that you have realized some momentum or not so much? Are you feeling like you have fallen behind in what you had hoped to accomplish? Do you feel your efforts haven’t reaped the return you desired, or that you have been distracted and unable to focus on your intended initiatives? Do you find it hard to know what is best to focus upon or prioritize as a result? Is the pressure of year-end starting to loom within your mindset, causing you less focus instead of greater focus?
When you are so focused on what has not occurred, you may be overlooking what has occurred that could be leveraged more effectively. You may also not be recognizing opportunities that were unexpected, and yet not pursued, because it was not a part of your initial plan. Don’t allow being off track to be a setback. Be inspired and open to possibilities beyond what you planned.
Take an MM&I Moment to awaken to ways you can make Q4 exceptional based on what has gone right or what has been presented as a potential opportunity. List all successes you have realized in Q1, Q2, and Q3. How could you potentially leverage these successes for momentum building results? List unexpected opportunities that you may be considering but have been put on a back burner. How could dusting these potential opportunities off open up more doors or potential ways to achieve even more than you had expected? Even when feeling behind versus ahead, your greatest measure of momentum is always finding ways to step forward. Looking back is best used for empowering how you move ahead.
Wide Awake Quote of the Week
“The smallest deed is better than the greatest intention.” – John Burroughs
Yours in dreaming WIDE awake,
P.S. Could it be that you have approached achieving your goals all wrong? Could it be that goals you want to achieve rely on others to also want to achieve them? Then read my latest article on forbes.com entitled 5 Keys to Everyone Embracing Company Goals. Need a little self motivation to better appreciate your small successes? Read my BizGrowth 5.0 blog entitled, Small Successes = Steppingstones to WOW.