May 18 – Are you giving for the right reasons? Do you give from a heart-centered place or a place of expectation? Do you give of your time, talent, or treasure as a core value, or because it makes you look good? Do you give to make a difference or to make or prove a point? Do you give in the spirit of paying it forward or from a mindset of sacrifice or obligation? Are you proactive in how you give or reactive depending on who asks for help?
Giving isn’t just something to do. It is a way of being that speaks to a person’s character, a company’s culture, and a cause’s mission being in alignment. When you focus on giving with purpose and meaning, it becomes less about you and more about something greater than all of us.
Take an MM&I Moment to awaken to your reasons for giving based on where you are currently giving of your time, talent, and treasure. How meaningful is it for you? Why did you choose to give your time? Who have you given your time to in an effort to help them? Where have you given your time to in an effort to assist? Where and why did you choose to give your talent? Where and why did you choose to give of your in-kind or financial resources? Now take a look at your answers and determine how your giving makes you feel, and where it may be out of alignment. When your giving spirit aligns with your heart’s desire, that’s when you can make a world of difference.
Wide Awake Quote of the Week
“Remember the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.”
– H. Jackson Brown Jr.
Yours in dreaming WIDE awake,