Jan 26 - Are you aiming high enough? Are you pushing yourself enough to go for something you really want to achieve? Are you making yourself just a little uncomfortable in what it will take for your to reach that goal? Are you putting yourself in a place where you are challenged and will need to take on a task, ability, or initiative that is beyond the scope of what you have done before?
The only way to achieve what we ultimately desire is we must be willing to attempt what we have not attempted before, be challenged in a way we have not been challenged, and learn and grow in a way that makes us wiser, stronger, or more agile.
Take an MM&I Moment to awaken yourself to a more adventurous mindset. What have you done lately to learn something new that will help take you to your next level? If nothing new, then what could you learn to take what you are doing to the next level? What challenge have you taken on that you believe is necessary to overcome in order to succeed? What are you next steps of action you are going to take? If you have steered away from a challenge, why have you? What would be the best that could happen if you overcame it? How could you take the goal you are trying to achieve to an even higher level of accomplishment? Why not strive for this instead? What do you have to lose by not striving higher in your aspiration? Your ability to achieve is empowered by your focus and willingness to do whatever is necessary to bring it to life. Aim high and watch what may fall into your reach.
Wide Awake Quote of the Week
"We aim above the mark to hit the mark." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Yours in dreaming WIDE awake,

P.S. Join me for an online class with the Rowan Cabarrus Community College Small Business Center on February 9th from 9 – 11 a.m. Entitled, “Four Critical Factors for Sustainable Growth & Profits,” you will learn about the Economic Vitality Model for effectively growing your business to its next level, including the importance of a business’ IQ (Intelligence Quotient), EQ (Emotional Quotient) and VQ (Velocity Quotient) and how these three work together for enduring engagement, performance and impact. Then gain understanding how to more effectively leverage profits and where you are allocating your spending for momentum-building growth. CLICK HERE to register.