Nov 3 – Are you being triggered? Have you found yourself on edge or irritated by something occurring that you feel you cannot control? Are you allowing something from the past influence your reactions and responses to the present? Have you been on the defensive in how you are responding to a situation? Are you pretending everything is okay, when you are allowing it to simmer inside without understanding fully why you feel the way that you do?
Our lives are a culmination of experiences that influence the way we think and process anything that occurs thereafter. Negative experiences can seep back into our present, triggering assumptions and reactions that do not serve us or those around us.
Take an MM&I Moment to awaken to what may be triggering you. What do you feel is out of your control, and therefore has caused you frustration? What potentially occurred in your past that caused the same feeling you are currently experiencing now? What is putting you on the defensive, and why do you feel the need to defend your stance? What are you allowing to simmer and what was the instance that started this feeling to occur? Awareness of how we are feeling and why we are feeling it is our first step towards dealing with it. Now that you are more aware, you can now release the trigger and move forward. Focus on what you can do. Accept that what occurred in the past is in the past. Realize what you have learned. Embrace your experiences with gratitude and wisdom. What triggers you weakens your spirit. What inspires and enriches you empowers your spirit. It’s always your choice.
Wide Awake Quote of the Week
“Life is 10% what has happened to you and 90% how you react to it.” – Charles R. Swindoll
Yours in dreaming WIDE awake,

P.S. Do you need to make your business more profitable? Then you should take advantage of my upcoming virtual trainings through FENG Women Executives Group and the Small Business Center at Rowan Cabarrus Community College! MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR: November 17, "Is Commodity Mindset Limiting Your Business? 4 Reasons Why" (CLICK TO REGISTER) and December 8, "3 Market Analysis Priorities to Drive Profitability." (CLICK TO REGISTER) This is funded through the Small Business Network, making it free to small business owners. The courses will be from 6-8 p.m.