Sept 1 - Are you focused on perfection or growth? Are you focused on perfection or growth? Is perfection your objective with each endeavor you undertake or are excellence, continuously learning, and growing your intention? Could a fear of failure be contributing to your desire to make it perfect? Could a fear of taking risks cause you to over-analyze every step or measure you take?
If you are seeking perfection, you will not only be your worse critic, you will also be your worse saboteur. A continuous focus on perfection keeps you caught in a limbo of all the minutia you create under the guise of perfecting what you are doing. Nothing can keep you from taking something to its next level more than a focus on perfection. However, a focus on growth and learning can help you discover the very thing you need to take something to that next level of excellence.
Take an MM&I Moment to awaken your discernment as to whether you are focusing too much on perfection in something that is frustrating you right this minute. Could this focus actually be causing you not to progress because you want it to be perfect? Then turn whatever it is that is making you think it is not yet perfect into a learning and growth opportunity. Seek to discover what will make it happen versus what will make it perfect.
Wide Awake Quote of the Week
“Remember that fear lurks behind perfectionism. Confronting your fears and allowing yourself the right to be human can, paradoxically, make you a far happier and more productive person.” - Dr. David M. Burns
Yours in dreaming WIDE awake,
P.S. Do you need to make your business more profitable? Then you should take advantage of my upcoming virtual trainings through the Small Business Center at Rowan Cabarrus Community College! These are funded through the Small Business Network, making it free to small business owners. To get the most out of the trainings, I recommend attending BOTH courses. MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR: November 2, "Profitability Quotient: Better Decisions. Better Results. Better Bottom Line" (CLICK TO REGISTER) and November 11, "3 Market Analysis Priorities to Drive Profitability." (CLICK TO REGISTER) Both courses will be from 6-8 p.m.