April 14 – Are you showing up? Are you frustrated by a lack of progress on a few fronts? Has the virtual world we all have experienced made you less than enthusiastic about connecting and engaging with people when there is a computer screen and miles between you? Have you just decided to wait until everything opens up and THEN you will engage, connect, and get back into the swing?
While you wait, everything around you is still moving at the speed of intention. Engage and embrace for your greatest opportunities and options by showing up.
Take an MM&I Moment to awaken to new and tried-and-true ways to show up. In this virtual world that is still necessary to embrace, where could you be showing up to gain insights, share, connect and let others know you are still making things happen? How are you showing up for those you have known long before our new normal? When is the last time you reached out to some of these people who have been in your sphere for a while? How can you offer insights, expertise, or thought leadership related to the changing world we are in? How are you embracing a new way to conduct business that is a change for the better? One of the greatest reasons to show up is what will show up in return in opportunities, insights and more.
Wide Awake Quote of the Week
“80% of success is merely showing up.” – Woody Allen
Yours in dreaming WIDE awake,