Jan 2, 2019 – Caught up in "re-solutions"? Have you kicked off this New Year carrying over several goals that didn't quite get accomplished last year? Are many of your goals about changing what you are not happy with or based on what did not happen as you would have liked? When your focus is on all that "isn't" or "hasn't" or "wasn't," you are actually operating from a limitation mindset instead of an abundance mindset. You are in a state of what I call "re-solutions" … revisiting old solutions, and yet desiring a different result. That's why New Year's resolutions don't work. Instead of resolving what's in the past, focus on evolving for the future.
Take an MM&I Moment to re-assess your goals to articulate how you are going to move forward, advance in some way, evolve and grow to achieve what you truly desire. Do your current goals excite you, or make you feel like you are less than? Hint: Your goals should excite and exhilarate you! How are you going to leverage what you have at your disposal right now to make what you desire happen? How are you going to gain insight and knowledge to improve your chances of success? What have you learned that you can carry forward in a positive, productive way? What do you need to let go of and leave behind in order to move effectively forward? Instead of making New Year's resolutions, commit to making this your year of an exciting evolution. You can't change your past, but you can ignite your future. And what you will find is that as you evolve into this way of thinking, your life will reward you with all that will absolutely and utterly thrill you.
Synergized Quote of the Week
"Your soul's desires compel you to grow, evolve and move closer to your highest potential." – Debbie Ford
LAST "MONDAY" MOTIVATION – INTRODUCING WIDE AWAKE WEDNESDAYS! Yes, there was a strategy behind shifting the last two Monday Motivations to what "felt like a Monday" in our
work-week worlds. Because starting next week, my focus is going to be on helping everyone Dream Wide Awake with my new blog by the same name, on none other than Wide Awake Wednesdays. It's
time we stop viewing Wednesdays as "hump" days and start feeling invigorated and empowered midweek to continue on our journeys of true enlightenment and accomplishment at our deepest and highest
levels. And stay tuned, because this is only the beginning of dreaming wide awake! The Me, Myself and Inc. in you will be taken to a whole new level of exciting revelations and I cannot wait to
help you know how powerful you truly are in realizing your ultimate dreams!
Yours in dreaming WIDE awake,

P.S. - To view the Wide Awake Wednesday weekly email that featured this post, CLICK HERE.